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Unlock Passive Income with Your Own Virtual Influencer

Are you ready to transform your online presence into a lucrative revenue stream?
With our "Create Your Virtual Influencer" service, you can harness the power of AI-generated avatars to generate passive income on multiple platforms.

Real Results, Real Influence

See how our clients have transformed their online presence and started earning substantial profits with their virtual influencers.

& What's Included​

Configuring and creating your avatar is just the beginning.
With our service, you’ll receive personalized attention and expert guidance to ensure your virtual influencer becomes a profitable asset to your brand.

Trust the Experts in Virtual Influence

At Booking Art, we’re not just an influencer agency.
Our experienced team in Tenerife is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of this emerging market and maximize your earnings potential.

Unlock Your Virtual Influencer TodayUnlock Your Virtual Influencer TodayUnlock Your Virtual Influencer Today
From Zero to Hero

Imagine earning a percentage of every euro your virtual influencer generates, effortlessly.

Our service ensures you receive a steady stream of passive income, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business while your avatar works for you.

How our service works
fill the form
1 - Fill out the form

Fill out our comprehensive form to customize your avatar according to your brand specifications.

Tailor-made proposal
2 - Initial Payment

Submit your initial payment of €150 to kickstart the creation process.

Customised analysis
3 - Tailor-made proposal

Within 5 business days, receive five draft previews of your avatar for review and feedback.

4 - Confirmation and Implementation

Once you've chosen your preferred draft, complete the payment process to finalize your virtual influencer's creation.


Have a question?

You can find most answers to your questions right on this page.

Our clients typically start seeing results within a few weeks of activating their virtual influencers, with earnings increasing steadily over time.

Yes, we offer revision options to ensure your virtual influencer accurately represents your brand and meets your evolving needs.

Your virtual influencer can be active on various social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and other, depending on your target audience and marketing goals.

We provide transparent and detailed reports on your virtual influencer’s performance and earnings, accessible through a user-friendly dashboard.

Customer satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not satisfied with your virtual influencer, we offer revision options to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your brand vision. 


Create Your Virtual Influencer